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Notes for visiting

Visitors Ordinance and rules

1、Regulations and rules

By registering to visit the exhibition or accepting permission to visit the exhibition, visitors agree to abide by the regulations and rules of the exhibition for visitors and those made by the exhibition center. Visitors can obtain copies of the regulations and rules from the organizer.

2、Integrity of Exhibition Center

      Visitors shall not create or allow to be created anything that may cause confusion, nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience, injury or harm to the body or property of others, or that is inconsistent with the general exhibition rules or constitute a violation of the regulations and rules or relevant laws and regulations.

      Without the prior written approval of the organizer, visitors are not allowed to bring cameras, cameras or other video equipment in any form into the exhibition center. The organizer has the right to search the belongings of any visitors at any time.

      During the exhibition, visitors are forbidden to record any video without the prior written approval of the organizer. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, any form of photographing, photographing or digital photographing and drawing or sketching. Visitors agree to hand over the illegal materials of any nature and form recorded with images to the organizer when required, including but not limited to: films, video tapes, sketch books, camera phones and digital storage devices.

In the event that visitors illegally record any video, copyright and other intellectual property rights in the creation and recording of images, or other rights (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the rights of recording and broadcasting) ("intellectual property rights"), whether they arise now or in the future, will be unconditionally and immediately owned by the organizer.

Visitors guarantee to sign all contracts and documents and take all actions as required by the organizer in order to vest the intellectual property rights to the organizer, including but not limited to: the storage media for submitting original images or copies. For visitors who violate the rules and regulations of the exhibition and the exhibition center and the corresponding laws and regulations, the organizer has the right to unilaterally refuse any visitors to enter or ask them to leave the exhibition center. On this issue, the organizer has the final judgment.


The organizer shall not be liable for the loss or damage (for whatever reason) of the visitors to their own or others' property in and around the exhibition center, and shall not be liable for the death or injury of the visitors in the exhibition center and in the process of leaving the Exhibition Center (excluding the event that the organizer exceeds the legal limit (this only applies) Death and injury caused by negligence).

Visitors agree that the organizer shall not be responsible for the products displayed or sold by the exhibitor in the exhibition.

The visitor agrees to compensate and hold harmless the organizer, its employees, agents and contractors from and against all claims, liabilities, losses, actions, proceedings, damages, judgments, expenses, costs (including legal fees) incurred by or against the organizer or its representatives as a result of any infringement or unauthorized recording of video by the visitors themselves or their agents; and Any loss such as charges.

Visitors agree that the organizer shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the official manuals, other promotional materials and printed materials related to the exhibitors or the products, or the information provided by the organizers or exhibitors.

Visitors confirm and agree that the organizer, its employees and contractors may take photos / videos of the exhibition and may include portraits of visitors attending the exhibition ("images"). Visitors hereby agree to grant the organizer and its branches the right to license (and grant others the right to use) the image free of charge. The right granted is unlimited, irreversible, permanent, global, royalty free and transferable. Visitors confirm that the organizer is the sole owner of all rights in the image and hereby waives (I) any and all rights in the image and (II) any and all claims arising out of or in connection with the image or the use of the image.

The organizer shall not be exempt from any of the provisions of the rules and regulations or from any of its rights unless the organizer provides a written confirmation signed by any of its directors.

4、Privacy policy statement

The organizers attach great importance to personal privacy. The organizer will abide by applicable personal data protection laws, including applicable Chinese laws and regulations on personal data protection.

(1)Information gathering

In order to provide better service to visitors and to meet the purposes set out in the following paragraph, the organizer may collect certain information when visitors register or inform them. In this process, the organizer can also collect personal information of the company's personal contacts or employees. As shown in the registration form, some of the requested information is mandatory and some are provided voluntarily by visitors. If specific mandatory information is requested but not provided, the organizer may not be able to provide the required services. The organizer retains personal data only for the purposes set out in the following paragraph.

In order to comply with the contact tracking requirements for coronavirus disease in 2019, the organizer may collect additional identification data of visitors to the exhibition (which may include ID card / Passport (including Hong Kong and Macao pass, Taiwan identity card) number and scanned copy of the card). Such additional identification data will be stored in infoman's database for a reasonable period of time after your visit to the exhibition. If required by law or legally required by government agencies, infman may share your personal information (including any additional identification data) for the purpose of tracing contacts with coronavirus 2019. Without such identification data, infman will not be able to process your exhibition pre registration.

(2)Use of information

The organizer may use the information for the following purposes:

·Handle the application for exhibition or visit of the organizer;

·Promote and improve its operations by incorporating personal data into its database, and conduct analysis, research and audit based on personal data;

·Promote and inform visitors of their exhibitions in China and around the world and the activities or exhibitions organized by their subsidiaries and joint venture partners;

·Send publications and research materials of his company;

·Marketing its services or products;

·If necessary, the need for legal proceedings, including collection of overdue payments.

The organizer may use the personal data of visitors (including their name, e-mail address and actual address) for the promotion and invitation of their exhibitions in China and around the world or the activities or exhibitions organized by its subsidiaries and joint venture partners, as well as service promotion through fax, e-mail, direct mail, telephone and other means of communication, Send to visitors or e-mails.

I agree to scan my pass for the exhibitors and suppliers selected by me in the exhibition and would like to provide my personal data to them. I agree that the above personal data can be used by exhibitors and sponsors to contact me about their products or services, and I agree that exhibitors and sponsors can transfer the data outside China for the above purposes. At the same time, I understand and agree that my personal data shall be held and used by the organizer and any third party representing its interests for the purpose of operating the exhibition, analyzing the flow of visitors and improving the event experience of visitors.

(3) Data disclosure / transmission

The organizer will keep the personal data held by the organizer confidential, but may provide or transmit the personal data to:

·Agents, consultants, auditors, contractors or service providers related to the business operation or service of the organizer will analyze, study and audit the personal data collected in order to promote and strengthen the operation of the organizer;

·The overseas offices, affiliated companies, joint venture partners of the organizers are also the organizers of other exhibitions. The purpose is to directly promote the publicity or invitation of exhibitions hosted by relevant organizers in China and all over the world;

·The person to whom the organizer is required to make disclosure in accordance with applicable laws within or outside China.

(4)Data sent overseas

The organizer will normally store the personal data of visitors on the organizer's server in China, but the visitors agree that the organizer may transfer the personal data of visitors to the organizer's offices or affiliated companies located outside China or to the persons or entities listed in paragraph (3) above and possibly located overseas.

(5)Visitor consent and rights

By signing this contract, the visitor expressly agrees to the collection, use and transmission of his / her personal data, including the use and provision of his / her personal data for direct promotion.

Visitors can choose not to receive promotional materials by notifying the organizer according to the contact information below. The organizer will stop sending promotional materials without charge. Visitors can also ask the organizer to correct their incorrect personal data.

5、Government law and jurisdiction

This contract shall be governed by the laws of China. If there is any dispute or difference between the two parties on this contract or the exhibition, either party may submit the dispute to the relevant court where the organizer is located for trial

Unless otherwise stated in writing, the rights of the organizer are cumulative and do not replace legal rights and remedies. No delay or failure to exercise any right shall be deemed a waiver.